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Online music tuition, mentoring and consultancy service, is currently offering a 25% fee reduction for all its services, exclusively to jm-education.

To benefit from this offer, simply send them your full name and state whether you are a student or teacher and you will receive a unique voucher code which can be redeemed against any service.*

*Vouchers can only be used once and are not transferable. Under 18’s require adult permission.  

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jm-education Media

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Music Resources

21 music resource books by  jm-education: including manuscript and tab paper, chord boxes and fretboard grids for 6, 5 & 4-string instruments and lesson logbooks  

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Higher Music Concept Tutorial Videos!!

Study and revision book for National 5 Music

Course book for Higher Music

Backing tracks for students to practise improvising

jm-education has prepared two backing tracks in different styles and keys for music students to practise improvising over.

These can be found on the jm-education YouTube channel (click here), or by accessing the Improvising page of this website (part of the National 5 supplementary material).

Note: a video on basic improvisation techniques can also be found on the jm-education YouTube channel. Click here.

Infinite Circles book

Composing workshop book from jm-education

A complete step-by-step composing workshop based on minimalism using a Digital Audio Workstation  

Ideal for Higher Music


The jm-education Guide to Higher Music

Published in January 2020, this fully up-to-date book for the Higher Music course is compiled in a similar format to the previous ‘How to Pass’ music books by Joe McGowan (published by Hodder Gibson). The new book features musical concept revision, music literacy, a specimen question paper, composing workshop and an extended chapter on practising and performing music, as well as a wealth of study tips and exam advice.

An added bonus with this new book is that POD and e-Book publishing mean that any changes to the curriculum can easily be added to the text at any time, ensuring that the book will ALWAYS be up-to-date!

Watch a promotional video: Click here

Buy the book now from our shop page

The jm-education Guide to Composing Techniques: Minimalism. ‘Infinite Circles’

Published in December 2023, this step-by-step composing workshop interactively guides the student through the processes involved in creating a multi-track instrumental composition based on the style of minimalism using a Digital Audio Workstation as a composing and production tool.

Supported by online video and audio resources, musical references, notation examples and professional tips, this creative project uses straightforward techniques and shortcuts for composing a coherent, professional-sounding piece of music, with only a minimum level of musical knowledge required.

Ideal for Higher, Advanced Higher and A-level students.

Request a free sample from jm-education here

Buy the book now from our shop page

Resources for Higher Music

Higher Music concept tutorial videos

5 video tutorials covering all of the current Higher Music concepts are now available on the jm-education YouTube channel. Click here to navigate to the videos.

Second Edition of How to Pass National 5 Music

The new, revised edition of How to Pass National 5 Music

This revised edition reflects the changes made to the National 5 Music course, ensuring teachers and students alike have accurate and relevant resources.

For more information and to order, click here.

The jm-education multi-charity appeal

This appeal was set up to benefit the following charities:

We have set a target fund of £250 for each charity, which we can achieve with YOUR help. Please consider donating just a single pound to any of these charities, which will be very helpful in pushing us towards our targets.

You can donate by accessing the Just Giving pages set up by jm-education for each of the charities - see the Charity page on this website for details.

You can see the funds raised so far by accessing our Just Giving pages and, if you wish, choose to have your name added to the list of donators.

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Latest News

21 Music Resource Books from jm-education

Music Manuscript Paper Books (6, 10, 12 or 14 staves per page)

Music Manuscript Paper Books with Treble and Bass Clefs

Music Tab Paper Books for 4, 5 and 6-String Instruments


Chord Box & Fretboard Grid Books for 4, 5 and 6-String Instruments

Music Staff &Tab Paper Books for 4, 5 and 6-String Instruments

Piano Manuscript Paper  

With treble & bass clefs

Songwriters’ Manuscript Paper  

With lyric guideline

Music Practice Companion

With theory pages

Teachers’ Assignment Logbook

News from other organisations

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Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)

Education Scotland

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Copyright © Joe McGowan 2016

Joe McGowan Music

Page 33

Music Word Search & Criss Cross puzzle book

Learn at your leisure with this relaxing puzzle book featuring musical styles and concepts from the medieval era to the present

New Books for music study, revision & course work from jm-education